Often in June, I will spend hours going through all of the nearby hikes trying to discern which hikes are snow-free and ready to be hiked near Vancouver. In July, August, and September almost all trails should be clear of snow and I don’t have to do much except check the weather report.
June takes a little more research to see which trails are ready to be walked, but I have done the research for you! These hikes normally become hikeable in June, though of course depending on the snowfall and the early/lateness of spring the snow conditions could vary so I would recommend still looking at recent trail reports and considering winter weather conditions before you go. I have not included hikes that are snow-free earlier than June.
In June conditions will still be muddy and there will likely be bugs so go prepared with waterproof shoes and bug repellant (one that is fly and mosquito repellant is best) and remember the bears are out roaming by June so also bring bear spray. The summits of a lot of these hikes are exposed and cold at the beginning of the hiking season so some warm layers in your pack would also be advisable if you want to hang out and look at the view for a little while.
If you are interested in year-round snow-free hikes (many of which are easier than the hikes on this list) you can find them here. If you want to discover hikes that are snow-free in the spring before June (March through May) you can find them here. Finally, if you want some fabulous July and August hike that give off spring vibes due to all the wildflowers you can find them here.
The Best June Hikes Near Vancouver
Table of Contents
Heading North
1. South Needle, North Vancouver
South Needle, North Needle, Lynn Peak, and many summits rest on this same ridge in Lynn Headwaters Regional Park, but South Needle has the best reward for effort ratio in my opinion, and usually becomes snow-free in June.
This hike is 15km with 1400m of elevation gain, so it is quite the grind but allows for stunning views of the surrounding mountains and the city. There is an alternative route that goes through the Lower Seymour Conservation area as well if you prefer to take a less-traveled route.
2. Lost Lake, West Vancouver
There are several ways to access Lost Lake and Blue Gentian Lake but I think the best choice is via Brothers Creek Loop. Brothers Creek Loop is a beautiful low elevation trail that can be done all year and boast beautiful greenery. The lake area of the trail is at a higher elevation and is snowed in until June.
This hike is 8.5km with 400m of elevation gain. This is a good option to start the hiking season and get your body back into the groove of walking up hills for a long time. This hike features green forest, lakes, and a waterfall!
3. Mount Seymour, North Vancouver

The Mount Seymour trail has three peaks and I highly recommend doing all three if you can manage it. The total length for all three peaks round trip is 8km with 600m of elevation gain. The first peak is the most popular and mostly has views of the city but the other two peaks have sweeping mountain views. The first peak is also a snowshoe trail in the winter if you are keen on seeing it in a different season.
This trail is mostly melted by June, though you will likely still see some patches of snow and it will be muddy. This trail also has gorgeous rock formations and a variety of terrain where you will find yourself using tree branches to help you up and down small cliffs and scrambling up rock faces. It is strenuous but also fun and never feels too dangerous.
Though this hike is hard I think it’s a great introduction to the summer hiking season. If you want to, you can make the detour to Mystery Lake to go for a cold early-season swim to refresh.
4. Dog Mountain, North Vancouver
This is another insanely popular trail near Vancouver that is also popular for snowshoeing in winter. It is a 6km hike with little elevation gain but it is a series of small hills and the trail is very rooty so you have to be careful to watch your step the entire way to the lookout.
The views are of the city and the ocean. It is a good choice if you are looking for a hike that is well-tread and somewhat easy.
5. Eagleridge Bluffs via Baden Powell

Eagle Bluffs is a beautiful and popular hiking destination near Vancouver. The traditional route takes you from the Cypress Mountain ski resort and over Black Mountain to reach the lookout. This trail is usually not clear of snow until July, if you want to take the risk, there is a chance it will be snow-free in June but just be prepared with the proper gear if you do try to take this route.
The other option is that you can take the less traveled, though slightly more difficult route that starts at Horseshoe Bay and follows the Baden Powell Trail to Eagle Bluffs. This route is 11km long with 1000m of elevation gain. Since you are starting at sea level this is a grind to get up the mountain. The other perk to this route is that on the way back you will only be going downhill, whereas the traditional route includes going back up Black Mountain before heading downhill to the parking lot. Going uphill on a return is always such a bummer for me.
Eagle Bluffs boats beautiful views of the city and Howe Sound and should be done at least once if you live in the Vancouver area.
6. Watersprite Lake, Squamish

Watersprite Lake usually is mostly snow-free in May but I thought I would throw it on this list as well because it is stunning. This hike is 20km long, but only has about 800m of elevation gain, which is spread out nicely on this hike, making it a long day, but ultimately not too difficult.
The reward is a stunning clear blue glacial lake surrounded by craggy mountains, and big views along the way as well. The lake might still have some ice on it in June but it would be possible to go for an icy plunge if you so desire. There is also a small cabin and a campsite if you want to stay overnight.
Please note that this hike starts at the end of a very rough road that cannot be accomplished without a 4WD vehicle. I normally would say that any car can go on forest roads if they have enough patience, but this one is just not possible in a small car.
7. Deeks Lake, Sea to Sky Hwy
This hike starts north of Lions Bay on private property so if you choose to take it be extra respectful to ensure that it stays open to the public. This trail is 14km long with 1000m of elevation gain and though there are a lot of difficult steep parts, you are rewarded by waterfalls along the way and a beautiful lake at the end that you can take a dip in if you are keen.
This trail can be muddy and buggy at the beginning of the season but if you wear good repellant and the proper shoes you should still have a great time.
8. Panorama Ridge, Black Tusk, Mount Price, etc., Squamish

I feel incredibly guilty bunching in all of these stunning hikes into one item as they are each beautiful in their own way, but they all start from the same place and have similar terrain/distance so I am going to let you choose which one you prefer.
All of these hikes start at Rubble Creek and make their way past Garibaldi Lake. Garibaldi Lake is a popular hike that is available to hike snow-free starting in April and the peaks around it usually become accessible in June. Garibaldi Lake has two backcountry campsites which people use to split these hikes into two days as they are quite long, but can also be done in one day if you have the stamina and the mindset for it.
All of these hikes clock in at just under 30km round trip, with around 1500m of elevation gain. They are all incredibly stunning. If you are visiting and can only do one hike I think Panorama Ridge is the best choice and offers the most diverse landscape. Black Tusk is the next most popular, and the rest of the peaks nearby are generally less trafficked but still beautiful. I highly recommend checking out this area but be prepared for a long, strenuous day.
9. Elfin Lakes, Squamish

Elfin Lakes is also in Garibaldi Provincial Park but in a different area than the hikes listed above. This hike is mostly snow-free by June and is 20km long with 800m of elevation gain. This is a great hike that takes a trail with a nice gradual incline through the forest for the first 5km and then opens up onto a ridge that has some hills but overall is largely flat which allows you to take in the mountains around you.
The trail ends at a series of small lakes (take a dip in the dedicated swimming one if you are keen) with a shelter and a campsite. In July you can add another 20km to this hike by going to Mamquam Lake and make this a two or three-day excursion.
10. Wedgemount Lake, Whistler
This one is a bit far out from Vancouver but it is a stunning hike and one of few that you can do in June in this area. This hike is 13km long with 1400m of elevation gain so it is difficult. The trail is steep but also varied so it keeps you interested. The lake at the top is a beautiful blue glacial lake but it will likely still be mostly frozen in June so if you are keen on swimming here I would wait a little while longer to make this trip.
There is also a small shelter and a campsite here. The road to the trailhead is rough and I would recommend a high clearance vehicle to get there. If you manage this rough drive and the steep terrain you will not be disappointed by the outcome.
11. Joffre Lakes, Pemberton

I always feel funny putting Joffre Lakes on a “near Vancouver” list because it is a 2.5 to 3-hour drive from Vancouver but it is a classic hike that is stunning. This hike is mostly clear of snow starting in June and is 8km long with 500m of elevation gain. The reward for effort ratio is probably one of the best in the area.
This hike features three stunning blue alpine lakes and a campsite. This trail is very popular so be aware that it may be crowded and be extra courteous of other hikers and nature by following leave no trace principals.
Heading East
12. Elk Mountain, Chilliwack

Elk Mountain is an 8.5km long trail with 750m of elevation gain and can also be used in the winter as a snowshoe trail. For summer use, it’s best to start using this trail in June. This trail has some steep parts so it is a challenge but overall achievable.
You will be rewarded with big views of the Fraser Valley, Mount Baker, and the North Cascades. A good choice for the summertime, or the winter as well if you have the proper gear.
13. Flora Peak, Chilliwack
This hike starts at the same place as the popular Lindeman Lake trail but is not as well-traveled and is much harder. At 12km with 1300 meters of elevation gain, this hike is a grind but the rewards are stunning. You will find amazing views of the surrounding mountains, lakes, and forest along the ridge.
Another option that is also usually snow-free in June is to turn this into a loop by continuing to Flora Lake and onto the Greendrop Lake Trail. This loop ends up being about 19km in length with Flora Peak still being the highest point. There is a lot of varied terrain on this trail so be prepared for a long exhausting day (but also a beautiful one).
I hope this list has helped you to find the best June hike for you, let me know if you try any of them, or if you have any new suggestions for me in the comments! Happy hiking!

Welcome to Alpine Feeling! My name is Talon, and I am a Vancouver local who loves hiking and all things outdoors. I am here to do my best to provide you with outdoor guides to the Vancouver area and beyond.